Inside the Cold Space by Marek Czarnecki

Skyscrapers to Cabins: Architecture Photography from TIFA Winners

June 4, 2024

Photography has the unique ability to completely transform real life places allowing the artist to reinterpret the world around them. Architectural photography requires the artist to take an already made space and recontextualize it using their own vision. It is not restricted to just images of buildings, a truly talented photographer is able to tell a whole story through their photo. Let us look through some of the 2023 TIFA winners in architecture and how they were able to craft a narrative through architecture.

Ruined Luxury by Evgenii Domanov

In this image shot in Tskhaltubo, Georgia, Domanov explores the abandoned sanatoriums of the Stalin era. Once beautiful palaces, they are now ruined and in despair. 

Dark Soul: Scenes from Korea by Yoshihiko Wada

Taken during a trip across multiple Korean cities, this series by Wada explores the expanse of Korean architecture. The crisp and high contrast nature of the image composition adds life to the mega skyscrapers and bridges.

We Are All Water by Amanda Large

This series is comprised of images of the RC Harris Water Filtration Plant on Lake Ontario. Large explores the site over the course of a year, taking pictures as the scenery changes from season to season.

Desert Rose by Ahmed Thabet

Ahmed Thabet captures the Qatar National Museum beautifully in his image "Desert Rose". Titled after the design inspiration for the building, Thabet utilizes a stark blank sky to highlight all the curves and edges.

The Future Reflects the Past by Franklin Neto

This image by Franklin Neto was taken in the Centro de Interpretação do Românico in Portugal. A museum that is dedicated to romanesque art, it is at the same time a very modern design inside. Neto highlights and juxtaposes these two design ideas.

It's Like Two Different Worlds by Draco Wong

Taken in the small city of Macau in the residential area of Rua Nova à Guia, Wong captures the feelings of two worlds connected but seperate. The massive skyscrapers in the distance looms over the homes and apartments.

Through stylistic choices, layered images, and multi month projects, the 2023 TIFA winners were able to completely reinvent how these structures are seen. As fine art photography and architecture converge, we can view these structures in our daily life differently. To see all winners across all categories, click below!

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