TOKYO-2018 Editorial / Conflict

'Victim of Sorcery - Dorcas'

  • Prize
    Silver in Editorial/Conflict
  • Photographer
    Brian Cassey
  • Agency / Studio
    Brian Cassey Photographer
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D5
  • Photo Date

“Victims of Sorcery - Dorcas” - from the series “Victims of Sorcery” Dorcas Nunugi recovers from a ‘Sorcery' attack in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Dorcas, accused of sorcery following a family death, was attacked with an axe and her arm almost severed. She received other axe wounds to her thigh and head. She was then tortured with iron bars heated red hot in a fire, leaving massive scars on her torso, breasts and legs. Somehow she escaped alive -many victims don’t - their bodies dumped in the river or a convenient hole. Sorcery attacks have reached epidemic proportions in PNG.