TIFA 2022

The Sun Only Comes Later

  • Photographer
    Jose Roberto Bassul
  • Agency / Studio
  • Photo Date

The title is a song by Brazilian rapper Emicida. The lyrics address the difficulties of those who live on the outskirts and go out to work at dawn, but also values the affections the night harbors. Thus exposes the injustices of the world without giving up poetry. The images aproach the circumstances in which we face losses, defeats, frustrations, fears. Abandoned squares, unused sports fields, empty streets, demolished houses evoke lost dreams. However, permeated by a certain lyricism, by streaks of light, they are like small nests of hope. As if the nights knew that the sun only comes later

José Roberto Bassul was born in Rio and lives in Brasilia. His photography turns to architecture and urban environment as an attempt "to draw thoughts, project desires and built spaces for the imagination". He has received several awards and his works has often been exhibited in festivals, galleries and museums in solo and group shows in Brazil and abroad. He has published two photobooks. His works are held in important private and public collections such as those of National Museum of Republic (Brasilia), Art Museum of Rio, Museum of Modern Art (Rio) and Museum of Photography (Fortaleza).