TOKYO-2020 Science / Environment

The Present Future

  • Prize
    Gold in Editorial/Environmental, Gold in Editorial/Photo Essay, Silver in Science/Environment
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Photographer
    Mauro Santoro

With almost 180,000 inhabitants, Reggio Calabria is the largest and the most populated city of Calabria (Italy).
 In 2014, in an attempt to comply with Italian laws on waste disposal, a door-to-door separate collection was introduced.
 To this day, more than 50% of the population still doesn’t pay refuse taxes nor separates its waste.About 100,000 people throw their garbage around the city everyday.
This project shows just some of the illegal landfills and discarded items I’ve found, along with portraits of some of the children who live in Reggio Calabria.
 This is the present of their future.