TOKYO-2018 Portfolio / Fine Art

Filter Object Series

  • Prize
    Silver in Portfolio/Fine Art
  • Photographer
    Ioanna Natsikou
  • Photo Date

“Filter Object Series” question our stereotypical perceptions of the female representation. Objects, roles and clichés are combined in a multilayered exploration displacing the viewer’s expectations of everyday reality.  Ordinary found objects of popular and consumer culture, placed un bizarre juxtapositions, are utilized in a playful way to depict not the thing but the effect it produces. An assemblage of objects, transitory and performed identities.

Born in Greece, Ioanna currently lives and works in Berlin. Her artistic journey in photography started in 2017 when she decided to take a leap towards a new career and attended the one-year photography course “Photography: Theories and Creative Practices” at the Athens School of Fine Arts. She has recently obtained the Grand Winner prize as Amateur photographer of the year from 6th Fine Art Photography Awards.Ioanna’s work has been exhibited in FreshEyes Photo Fair, Amsterdam (2020), Rotterdam Photo Festival (2020), SomoS Art House Berlin, (2019), State of Concept Gallery, Athens (2019).