The People of TIFA 2022: Top Ten Photographs in the People Category

February 20, 2023

The state of humanity is ever-changing; through good and bad times, we all have struggles to overcome. We've selected some of the most beautiful images from TIFA 2022 that depict and illuminate the narratives of individuals from all around the world in this compilation. Here are the top 10 images from 2022 in the People category of the Tokyo International Foto Awards, which was established to display authentic photographs of real people.


Jatenipat Ketpradit

Ethiopia: The Ethnic Earth - Jatenipat Ketpradit

There are eight distinct tribes living along the Lower Omo River in southwest Ethiopia. They have been residing there for ages. Every tribe in this area has a distinctive culture and way of life. Almost all of the tribes have unique languages, dialects, foods, and customs that have evolved over millennia.


The Daily Life of Three Siblings With Autism - Barbara Zanon

This continuous, extensive project describes an Italian family affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD). After years of unsuccessfully trying to conceive, Emilia and Francesco used artificial insemination (ICSI) and successfully gave birth to twins, Luisa and Riccardo. Emilia unexpectedly became pregnant with their third child, Michele, just nine months after their first two were born. Riccardo and Luisa were identified as having a severe type of ASD at the age of two and a half. Regrettably, Michele received the same diagnosis a year later.


black and white photo of a kid underwater
man in a gold dress looking out the window

The Cross Dressers -Alexandros Moridis

Cross-dressing is the practice of dressing in items of clothing that belong to the other sex. The word transvestism, which was frequently used by the psychiatric profession to designate a psychological condition or perversion, was replaced by the term by the transgender community in 1976. Cross-dressing has historically benefited persons looking to avoid military duty, take part in protests peacefully, and engage in religious rites. People are openly asserting their inherent right to self-expression and demanding to be accepted for who they truly are today as part of a campaign to remove antiquated social norms.


Passing Merchants - Shaoyi Zhang

Little enterprises in Shanghai are disappearing today due to urban growth, as shown in the documentary Passing Merchants. Several modest shops had to close due to demolition of older streets and expensive rent in newer areas, driving away "non-locals" to return to their hometowns or displacing residents outside of the city center.


owners of a small business in Shanghai
black and white portrait of a girl

Tokyo Girls °1 - Richard Lee

In the vibrant and quickly changing metropolis of Tokyo, Tokyo Girls examines the development of savvily sophisticated millennial girls. Tokyo Girls flourish in Neo-Tokyo, a broad, contemporary environment that fosters innovation and individual growth via a vibrant fusion of Japanese and global cultures.


Laila - Mohammad Radi

Little Laila was assisting her family in the Indian Kashmir villages, surrounded by nature. Amazing things happen when innocence and beauty combine.


portrait of a little indian girl
girl touching water

Limits - Diana Rubi

“At every limit I was, pushing myself to the edge I could reach, and right at the bottom of every crag, I found the only person looking was myself!” A series called Boundaries makes references to emotional boundaries. It is a self-analysis exercise using mirror-effect self-portraits that seeks to help the observer see themselves by displaying these protective boundaries that indicate where we stop and others start. The artwork depicts "borderlines" where a single character can be seen, alluding to aspects of our identity, personal space, intimacy, and self-concept.


Date Night - Zuzana Janekova

The image was captured while photographer Zuzana Janekova was strolling across the city at night. She preferred the bright restaurant than the pitch-black street.


a restaurant from outside at night
self portrait of the photographer in the sun

In The Sun - Anna Ligus

The moment when you feel like a cat basking in the spring sun.

Self-portraits have been taken by Anna Ligus since the pandemic started. She examines the body's curves and uses photography to capture the innermost feelings of the soul.


Back to You - Giandomenico Veneziani

The story of Back to You centers on our main character, who for some reason gets flung to a hostile, desolate Planet. In order for the people of Earth to benefit and use it not only as a source of energy, but also as a source of aggregation and goodwill toward others, a casket containing a source of lost energy had been sent to the planet millennia before. This is the exact objective for which he is searching. Regrettably, this energy that was provided to humans from a faraway world has not been put to use. So, it will be necessary for our protagonist to locate it.


a man coming up from underwater

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woman in the window
an elderly lady between leaves