TOKYO-2018 Fine Art / Collage

Tangible Dreams

  • Prize
    Silver in Fine Art/Collage
  • Photographer
    Youssef Nokry
  • Technical Info
    Compositing Photographs With Background And Models Captured Separatly.
  • Photo Date

Fly to freedom, escape danger, fall from a cliff, drown hoping to be saved, be a hero mastering nature and natural elements ... our dreams are often what binds our collective unconscious and makes us we are actually in our interactions determined by our fears and often repressed desires Creating surreal images that tell a story, get folks thinking, or convey a sophisticated concept is my goal through those photographs

Parisian from France & 37 years old,i do Artworks as an amateur photographer.It started in my teens and grew more and more when I got older.Later in life,increasing work commitments as engineer cut in until 2009 when i bought my first full frame camera.Inspired by renowned landscape & composite photographers or surreal painters,i was encouraged by some friends photographers to develop my photography.My artwork and practice are just about the 2 things i love in life:Photographing Paris & Creating images,mostly surreal ones.