TIFA 2023 Book / Nature


  • Prize
    Silver in Book/Nature
  • Photographer
    Niklas Storm
  • Agency / Studio
    Fudao Ab

In a world that gets harder and harder and where we the last couple of years have endured several global crises like the pandemic, financial issues and where climate- and environmental issues are probably the most severe of them all it has become more and more important to find ways to feel good. Shinrin-yoku (forest bath) was created as a stress relief method, and this is my interpretation. The book is the result of my visits and thoughts in various forests the last two years. Both in the vicinity of my home but also as far away as Mount Mgahinga in Uganda’s mist covered Virunga mountains.

I’m an art and nature photographer that uses images to formulate and express feelings. My goal is to create art that touches the viewer and asks questions, where there’s more to see than what immediately catches the viewers interest. Of course, the beauty of nature and the world play important roles as well, and sometimes that’s my only motive. I create art as a way to relax and get away from the stress of life. With a camera in my hand out in nature I focus 100% on that, and nothing else.