TIFA 2023 People / Portrait

The Dead Come Closer

  • Prize
    Bronze in People/Portrait
  • Photographer
    Julien De Wilde
  • Agency / Studio
    Julien De Wilde
  • Photo Date
    december 2022

After devoting their entire lives to the circus, to the traveling life, and to freedom, Patricia and Johnny had to get rid of almost all of their work equipment. No more circus tent, no more stage, no more spotlights. The cemetery next to their land will be enlarged. Once filled with sets, trucks, and show equipment, everything had to disappear, as if by magic. They still have pigeons, cats, and their artistic soul. In spite of the storms which fall unceasingly on them, they continue to exist and defend their freedom to be different, to be themselves.

Julien de Wilde is a Belgian photographer and filmmaker who shares his time between Belgium and Thailand. His work is focused on self-inquiry and introspection, full of sensitivity and truth. Go to the essential, without detour or artifice. Do not pretend, just be. His work in black and white, dense and deep is an invitation to dive into ourselves.