TIFA 2023 People / Culture

Reflecting On 10​0 Years of The Irish F​ree State

  • Prize
    Bronze in People/Culture
  • Photographer
    Deirdre Brennan
  • Agency / Studio
    Deirdre Brennan Photographer
  • Photo Date
    November 2022

The Irish Free State was established 100 years ago when King George V signed a proclamation on December 6, 1922. Members of the public pose with a 1920’s Bakelite hand mirror reflecting on the past hundred years. When asked of their opinion about the state of the nation since independence from Britain, subjects responded with a mixture of positive and negative commentary. With a lot of emphasis on the social problems facing modern Ireland.

A graduate of The National College of Art and Design, Deirdre Brennan worked as a photojournalist and documentary photographer in New York for over a decade. On contract with The New York Times since 2000, her work has been published throughout the world in titles such as The New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, Portrait of Humanity, Stern, Marie Claire, Sports Illustrated, The Hollywood Reporter, Panorama, American Photography, Vice, Mother Jones, The Smithsonian and The London Sunday Times.