TIFA 2023 Book / Fine Art

The Poetry of Being

  • Prize
    Silver in Book/Fine Art
  • Photographer
    Lynne Buchanan
  • Technical Info
    Images Mimic Original Platinum-palladium Prints. Offset Printed In Quadtone On Muncken Rough Paper.
  • Photo Date
    The book was published in 2023 and the photographs were made between 2020 and 2022.

Buchanan began this series during Covid. Witnessing trees that survived illness gave her strength to continue caring for her dying mother. Nature reminded her existence is interconnected and the energy of dying lifeforms supports new growth. Images include traces of what was, the effects of climate change, and the cycle of life. The magic of light is a focus since it transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Shadows are important since light is not be known without darkness. Mimicking the original platinum-palladium prints evokes how invaluable the natural world is for our survival.

Lynne Buchanan is the author of The Poetry of Being (2023) and Florida’s Changing Waters: A Beautiful World in Peril (2019). Her photographs have been exhibited in solo and group shows across America, and in Barcelona, Spain and Athens, Greece. She was one of Photolucida’s Top 200 finalists in 2016. Public speaking includes talks given at the Miami Book Fair, as well as at the Society for Environmental Journalism and the North American Nature Photography Association’s Summit. Buchanan’s work has been featured in numerous publications including PhotoBook Journal and The Eye of Photography.