TIFA 2023 Architecture / Cityscapes

Every Shadow Is A Little Bit of Light

  • Prize
    Silver in Architecture/Cityscapes
  • Photographer
    Jose Roberto Bassul
  • Agency / Studio
  • Photo Date

“By making the city, man remade himself” (Robert Park) Heir to futuristic dystopias from literature and cinema, such as Metropolis, Blade Runner or The Matrix, this series adopts the iconography of the urban landscape as an allegory of mirage, of deceit. The city as evidence of the collapse of priorities and excesses in which we live. The indistinctness of the buildings, the vagueness of the forms, the chromatic mists and other signs of neglect are, however, permeated by some lyricism, by streaks of light. As if the images remind us that there is still life and seed in what seems to wither.

José Roberto Bassul was born in Rio and lives in Brasilia. His photography turns to architecture and urban environment as an attempt "to draw thoughts, project desires and built spaces for the imagination". He has received several awards and his works has often been exhibited in festivals, galleries and museums in solo and group shows in Brazil and abroad. He has published two photobooks. His works belong to important private and public collections such as those of National Museum of Republic (Brasilia), Art Museum of Rio, Museum of Modern Art (Rio) and Museum of Photography (Fortaleza)