TIFA 2023 Fine Art / Collage

My Dining Table

  • Prize
    Gold in Fine Art/Collage, 2nd Place winner in Fine Art
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Susan Spiritus A very thoughtful series and well orchestrated.

  • Photographer
    Gita Montazer

Cutlery are not only tools for eating but also play another important role. With various arrangements, they can represent the level of satisfaction with the served meal. In this series, each plate and cutlery setting has its own story. In my ancient home with a noble heritage, plates are often empty or have unpleasant meals. Economic, social, cultural and environmental problems are ingredients of my meals. Poor quality, insufficient quantity, not being properly served, sometimes being poisonous, are among my complaints. Having a pleasant meal in a safe home is my dream.

Born 1972, Tehran-Iran B.A. of Photography, 2002, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran Organizing my solo exhibition and participation in several group exhibitions inside and outside of Iran. Winner of several National and International Photography Awards. Interested in Fine Art, People and Still Life Photography.