TIFA 2023 Book / Documentary

Paracetamol and Ibuprofen

  • Prize
    Silver in Book/Documentary
  • Photographer
    Lucas Urenda
  • Agency / Studio
    Ocho Libros Editores

Bio of a person with AIDS in Chile.Psychiatry,shelters,marginal brothels & sexuality are some of the themes that converge in this work,which follows a man known as‘Absent.Through images and handwritten text narrated by the protagonist himself,we delve into the marginality that surrounds a man with HIV whose childhood was marked by untreated sexual abuse.Predestined to live on the street,the project shows the prevailing precarious of his situation and his desire to reverse his destiny through palliative care & psychohelp. ‘Im a good person.I have made mistakes,but I never wanted to hurt anyone"