TIFA 2023 People / Portrait

Don'T Make Noise

  • Prize
    Bronze in People/Portrait
  • Photographer
    Nicolino Sapio
  • Agency / Studio
    Nicolino Sapio
  • Technical Info
    The Photos Were Taken With A Flashlight Pointed At The Subjects.
  • Photo Date
    April 2023. The work is still in process

Between 1945 and 1970, millions of Italians emigrated around the world, many of them to Switzerland. Helvetic law did not allow family reunification. About 30,000 children are thought to have entered Switzerland illegally. All these children spent their childhood hidden away at home. Their parents used to repeat the same things to them every day before going to work. Don't make noise, don't speak or the police will take you away and then you will be alone. Those children, even today, do not forget.

Nicolino Sapio was born in Vasto, Italy in 1971. He started working as a photographer in 2007. Nicolino Sapio has been a freelance professional photographer for over 10 years, working with associations and NGOs. Training and workshops: Master of reportage at the John Kaverdash Academy in Milan. D.O.O.R. Academy divergent Vision Workshops: Massimo Mastrorillo Luca Santese & Arianna Arcara (Cesura) Adam Broomberg Vanessa Winship & George Georgiou Julian Germain