TIFA 2023 Editorial / Conflict

The Other Days of Life

  • Prize
    Silver in Editorial/Conflict
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Tomohide Ikeya Photography has two sides: documentary and artistic. This work combines both historical documentation and artistry. Both the composition and the choice of color subject matter really struck a chord with me.

  • Photographer
    Oleksandr Rupeta
  • Photo Date

Bakhmut is a small town in the Donetsk region that should have become another victim of the Russian occupation in the first months of the invasion of Ukraine. Nonetheless, the town has been desperately standing against the fierce onslaught of the Russian army for over a year, and now it is one of the bloodiest places in this war. Becoming the main achievement of the Russian occupation forces in more than six months of fighting if captured, Bakhmut has acquired a symbolic meaning for both sides, in addition to its strategic importance.

Oleksandr Rupeta is a Ukrainian photographer, works worldwide.