TIFA 2022 Editorial / sports

Action and Light

  • Prize
    Gold in Editorial/sports
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Prof. William Snyder So many times we see these sports in "plain ol'" daylight but these images make a statement about the sports as well as the beautiful settings in which they're made.

    Goh Kim Hui Exciting shots captured with careful planning and unleashed the creativity to its fullest. Congratulation to the photographer and sport men for engaging in these excellent performances.

  • Photographer
    Andre Magarao
  • Technical Info
    Digital Camera And Lots Of Flashes
  • Photo Date
    2021 and 2022

I’ve always been into sports it was a natural step to start shooting my friends doing sports. I quickly noticed that shooting during “the golden hour” led to shots I liked more. But then I started shooting sports like skateboarding and it’s very hard to talk skateboarders into waking up at 5am to get that good light. That was when I started studying artificial light. These shots are a collection of different sports, which represent different challenges, being shot using studio lights out on the elements.

Since I’ve always been into sports it was a natural step to start shooting my friends doing sports. I quickly noticed that shooting during “the golden hour” led to shots I liked more. But then I started shooting sports like skateboarding and it’s very hard to talk skateboarders into waking up at 5am to get that good light. That was when I started studying artificial light. Nowadays I travel with a pretty big amount of gear and place flashes where I probably shouldn’t be placing to get the shots you see here.