TIFA 2022 People / Culture

The Next Generation of Eagle Hunters

  • Prize
    Silver in People/Culture
  • Photographer
    Apostolos Kaloudis
  • Technical Info
    Camera Nikon D5300, Shutter Speed 1/60, Iso 6400, Aperture F/4.5, Cmos Cropped Sensor
  • Photo Date

Eagle hunting was largely banned during Soviet rule in Kazakhstan as it was seen as bourgeois. More than a million Kazakhs died during the Soviet-inflicted famine in the 1930s when Josef Stalin's forced collectivization campaign and millions were imprisoned or exiled. The tradition of Eagle Hunting survived by the Kazakhs that fled, and settled in western Mongolia and China. The connection between hunter and eagle is strong. Here is 6y old Alkan, next to his famous Uncle Jenisbek Tserik, a Multi-title champion.

My name is Apostolos Kaloudis, and I'm an adventurer. I consider myself as an adventurer/explorer, rather than a photographer. When I was studying Medieval History, I was amazed by stories and details of military campaigns. Something that impassioned me later to go out and explore remote lands, such as the Silk Road, the vast Steppes & deserts of Central Asia & northern China or even former Himalayan Kingdoms.