TIFA 2022 Science / Medicine


  • Prize
    Silver in Science/Medicine
  • Photographer
    Jana Stross
  • Technical Info
    Samsung Galaxy A50
  • Photo Date

Angels work in hospitals. They care for the sick with love and patience. They give them joy, hope and light. What does such an angel look like? Judge for yourself...

I am a nurse - photographer who specializes in documentary and portrait photography from the hospital environment. I've been taking photos since 2008, I've graduated from the photography workshops of, for example, Antonin Kratochvil, Jan Pohribný or Jan Šibík. I am the co-founder of the photographic group "28mm". I founded the Facebook group Foto - Lisen and the association of the same name. I have been a member of the Moravian Photographers Club. I have had several group or solo exhibitions, for example in the Mánes Exhibition Gallery in Prague or the Poysdorf Cultural Center in Austria.