TIFA 2022 Advertising / Food

中菜西作/Chinese Food With Western Food Styling

  • Prize
    Gold in Advertising/Food
  • Photographer
    Ryzn Chang
  • Agency / Studio
  • Technical Info
    Sony A7r3a
  • Photo Date

台灣是一個充滿美食的國家, 過往大家對於台灣食物的認知都是便宜又大碗, 透過這次的拍攝與食物造型, 我們想讓更多人知道我們台灣的美食也是可以如此優雅的呈現! - Taiwan is a country full of delicious food. In the past, everyone’s impression of Taiwanese food was cheap and large portions. Through showing works and food styling this time, we want more people to know that our Taiwanese street food can be presented in such an elegant manner!