TIFA 2021 Nature / Wildlife

The Spirit of Love...

  • Prize
    Bronze in Nature/Wildlife
  • Photographer
    Akhil Vinayak Balachandra Menon
  • Technical Info
    Sony A9, 400 2.8gm, 1/1600, F2.8. Iso800
  • Photo Date

This very moving image was shot soon after the courtship of the black winged stilt pair. It is amazing to see how these birds embrace themselves after their courtship which is a show of the spirit of love that exists in nature and that they shared in the moment. I was lucky to capture this image as these birds copulate usually in private. I was lying on the shoreline of a pond in a conservation reserve in Dubai, UAE when this moment happened and the image was captured. Such moments in nature remind us of the strength of love and importance of gratitude.

I am a nature and wildlife conservation photographer aspiring to connect people to our wonderful earth, through my images. My focus is to photograph creatures that are lesser known, bring out new perspectives on common species and to document interesting natural behavior of wild animals and birds. This allows me to showcase and create awareness to these creatures so that attempts be made to protect and cherish the rich diversity of the natural world. All images of animals and birds are shot by me in the wild.