TIFA 2021 Editorial / Conflict

The Earth Elsewhere

  • Prize
    Silver in Editorial/Conflict
  • Photographer
    Ciro Cortellessa
  • Technical Info
    Canon 5d Mark Iii 24 Mm Canon
  • Photo Date

The reportage was made in the city of Kilis, in Turkey, on the border with Syria. The school was opened by refugee Syrian teachers and the children come from the martyr cities of Aleppo and Tartus. The children all suffer from PTSD, post traumatic stress caused by the conflict that has plagued Syria for years. The teachers teach them to take back their lost identity to ensure a better future and try to save Syrian children from the streets.

Ciro Cortellessa vive e lavora a La Spezia. Ha realizzato i sui reportage in Bosnia, Turchia, Kurdistan Turco, India, confine Pakistano, Vietnam, Kazakistan, confine con la Cina, Kirghizistan, Uzbekistan. Ha ottenuto numerosi riconoscimenti nazionali ed internazionali. Insegna fotografia di reportage e street photography. Attualmente sta realizzando un reportage lungo la rotta balcanica, Bielorussia e Polonia a seguito dei migranti afgani, siriani, iracheni.