TIFA 2021 Architecture / Industrial


  • Prize
    Bronze in Architecture/Industrial
  • Photographer
    G.B. Smith
  • Technical Info
    Iso 100, F11, 35-75mm Lens, 60th Sec To 125 Sec Exposures - Hasselblad X1dll
  • Photo Date
    Jan 2021

A series of images called "STEELSTAX" studying the massive structural forms inherited from the iron and Steel industry on the Eastern seaboard of the US. Growing up amongst the residue of the last Industrial Revolution I am drawn to the beauty of the form and mechanical "grit" of these amazing structures. These particular images capture some large furnaces that were part of the famous Bethlehem Steel works in PA, USA.

G.B. Smith’s photography journey began over 40 years ago as a teenager learning the fundamentals of the craft in the darkroom and with large plate cameras. A truly global citizen, having lived on four continents he now resides in Maryland, USA and combines extensive Internation travel with a passion for Fine Art Photography. “I distill an image down to its uncluttered form and contrasts, seeking to highlight perceived patterns and flows. This is why I often use black and white and minimalist imagery, where less is often more"