TIFA 2021 Portfolio / Personal

Paris 2020 The Shadow of Itself.

  • Prize
    Gold in Portfolio/Personal, 2nd Place winner in Portfolio
  • Photographer
    Stephane Navailles
  • Photo Date

Paris ville lumière, Paris capitale touristique, Paris 2020 n'échappant pas comme partout dans le monde au scénario particulier infligé par la COVID. Dans cette série de 5 photos je vais essayer de vous faire partager l'atmosphère particulière que nous vivons ou l'humain seul ou accompagné semble perdu, aller de l'avant toujours mais vers quelle avenir quelle destination?

I have been practising photo since 1993, the year when I discovered San Francisco, its tramcars and hip hop culture. The town appealed to me as much as in my memory of the film Bullit, I'd seen a few years before. Above all, urban graffs engrossed my interest: they meant a lot to me. Back in Paris a bad "guy" named burn-out ingratiated itself into my professional existence. Nothing made sense to me any more. I even pawned my favourite camera ! After months and months of "nothingness", my horizon opened up again to the beauty of lines, curves, people, in black and white or in colors.