TIFA 2021 Book / Nature


  • Prize
    Silver in Book/Nature
  • Photographer
    Sue Park
  • Technical Info
    All Different Way
  • Photo Date
    2011 through 2021

This is my second photography book. This book contains 186 pages with 102 black and white photos. I want to focus on the elements in the frame, both the shape and form and how they relate to one another. I feel like there is a world to explore within the connecting elements in the foreground and background. In this book, I wish to show the extreme beauty of simplicity. A simple and humble look is what I seek in this busy world.

2022-23 Solo Exhibition at Palazzo del duca, Senegallia, Italy 2019 Solo Exhibition at Shatto Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA 2019 Group Exhibition “Landscape: East Meets West,” Pesaro, Italy 2013-23 Published photos in the Asian Pacific Heritage Calendar and Cultural Guide by the City of Los Angeles, USA 2017 Solo Exhibition at Gallery Dooin, Seoul, South Korea 2016 Group Exhibition at University of Southern California, L.A. CA, USA 2015 Group Exhibition in Mexico City, Mexico 2014-2011 Group Exhibition in Tsushima,Japan and Seoul, Korea, Qindao,China, Tianjin, China, L.A.,USA