TIFA 2021 Fine Art / Collage

Insight Out, - Part Two

  • Prize
    Silver in Fine Art/Collage
  • Photographer
    Soren Nielsen
  • Agency / Studio
    Photographer Soren Nielsen
  • Technical Info
    Photo Collage. Positive And Negative Images.
  • Photo Date

Photographer Soren Nielsen has, in collaboration with fashion designer Jan Machenhauer developed the project "Insight out, - part two." The project seeks to challenge and develop a new photo communicative representation of fashion and involves the human body in the image-specific language. By showing positive and negative at the same time, Machenhauer's penchant for working equally externally and internally with his clothes is revealed. In addition, the pictures also refer to the layer-on-layer construction that he has perfected. The Danish Art Foundation supports the project.