TIFA 2021

The Sea Close By

  • Photographer
    Francoise Holtzmacher
  • Photo Date

This series’ title is borrowed from a 1953 text by writer Albert Camus who describes his love for the sea, its ever-changing landscape and mood. To him the sea means salvation and happiness. Being away from it is a wrench. I spent some years next to the ocean. Now in a landlocked country, I long for water, waves, smell, sound, and horizon. Out of curiosity I combined ocean photos with underwater portraits, and soon realised that both could complement each other. Now that travel is no longer taken for granted, this ‘mise en abîme’ brings the ocean close by.

I am a Belgian freelance photographer currently based and working in Sydney. I work on a diverse range of subjects dealing with documentary photography, street photography, fine art, and photojournalism.