TOKYO-2020 Nature / Trees

Window to The Past

  • Prize
    Bronze in Nature/Trees
  • Photographer
    Roksolyana Hilevych
  • Technical Info
    Canon 5d Mark Iv
  • Photo Date
    August 2020

It was one of the days in which I did not expect beautiful light or clouds, in short, the forecast brought completely good weather all day(without clouds)and all night but I decided to go anyway. After driving 400km around 14:00 I start to climb, after 3/4 hours I was already on top of the mountain. Just around that hour the clouds began to arrive from nowhere, more and more, high and low. In front of me I had the truly magical scene, with the loricate pines in the middle of the fog with the sun that it caressed with its warm light and that natural window. I couldn't wish for more! Pollino NP