Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 Special / Street Photography


  • Photographer
    Hillel Winograd

Parisians are free people. They walk the streets of the city with their strong identity. Their finery marks the era, they are my contemporaries. I look back at them, an attitude stops me, a look catches the light and I take it with me. I am their holded mirror. My anonymous people sometimes turn out to be personalities, like the refined and smiling Rodica Paléologue or the very Berlin 30s cabaret singer Ulrich Corvisier. All is possible, that's the magic of Paris.

Hillel Winograd is a photographer. The man is marginal. He stands at the edge of the world, in perpetual search for balance. He never stood in the evidence of speech. It is silently and quietly that he considers reality. He waits for his turn, surrounded by a grace that emanates from him. He gleans the precious moment, the slightest detail where the splendor of life shines through. He says, “Making a photo is like catching the ideal.” He holds to life, and he sticks to it.