Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 Portfolio / Personal

Urban Home

  • Photographer
    Daniela Labastida Salinas
  • Technical Info
    Digital Photography

As a person growing up in one of the biggest cities in the world (Mexico City), I’ve always been sensible to the way that living beings adapt themselves to the cities. The resilience that it takes to shape one’s life to it doesn’t apply only to humans, but to animals and plants as well. With these photographs taken in different cities around the world, I try to explore the way animals adapt and interact with their urban surroundings, to the point of becoming full residents of the city as well. The city becomes their home, and this series represents their daily life in it.

Daniela Labastida Salinas is a Mexican photographer currently living in France. Through photography, she explores the diverse and complex relationships between humans, animals and nature. Specially, she focuses on how living beings interact with their surroundings. Her work often depicts the natural world confronted with human environments. Her interests go from travels, anthropology and languages to cinema, education and literature. She believes in the power of art to encourage dialogue and in the need of sharing with others to create a community and together improve our way of living.