Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 People / Children

Inside Landscape

  • Photographer
    Zhenfei Tang

This is my first time to taking portraits of children. I tried to communicate with her but to no avail. I asked her father to stand aside and talk to her. I watched them communicate like everyday. I realized that communication doesn't necessarily require language. The inside of each person is a landscape.

Zhenfei Tang has 15 years of art experience. He has worked in a number of 4A advertising companies and won the Asia Pacific times award. Service customers include Shanghai Volkswagen, Estee Lauder group, Bacardi group, etc. Since 2013, he began teaching photography, focusing on darkroom classical craft. He has done many works of art for artists. Now he is engaged in art education in East China Normal University and Shanghai Institute of visual arts. He also has long-term cooperation with many art museums.