Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 People / Children

Medium of Instruction

  • Photographer
    Alena Grom
  • Photo Date
    Summer 2022

In 2022, Russian troops occupied part of the Kyiv region. As a result of the fighting, the infrastructure of cities was destroyed. Due to the bombing and shelling, 2102 educational institutions of Ukraine were damaged. Of these, 215 are completely destroyed. Man-made objects, as well as natural objects used in the educational process as carriers of educational information and tool for the activities of the educator and students to achieve the goals of education, upbringing and development — medium of instruction.

Ukrainian artist, photodocumentist Alena Grom was born in Donetsk. In January 2014 she was forced to leave her home and hometown due to military events in Donbass. In such conditions photography has become a salvation for Ms. Grom and a way to escape from a traumatic reality. Since 2017 she has lived in Bucha. As a result of the full-scale invasion of Russia in February 2022, Grom and her family became refugees for the second time. However, her photos are not illustrations of pity or grief, they are an affirmation of life. Life against the odds — one of the main themes of the artist.