Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 People / Self-Portrait

"You Told Me I Can Not Even Take Care of A Plant, So I Grew A Monstera Thinking of You"

  • Photographer
    Marie Barthelsson
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D800
  • Photo Date
    January 2022

It is important for me as an artist working with the genre staged photography, working through memories in my projects trying to understand what happened in the past and how it effects the present and maybe even the future. Working with staged photography maybe always plays with being able to jump in time like in a time machine, both with bringing in the artist memories, experiences and subconscious.

Marie Barthelsson finished study a Master of Fine Arts Programme in Photography at HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg, June 2021. Before that she did her degree in the UK, BA (Hons) Photography, Kent Institute of Art and Design, where she graduated in 2004 with a First Class Honours.