Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 People / Self-Portrait

Reflections of My Own

  • Photographer
    Leila Hawkins
  • Technical Info
    Taken With Fujifilmx100v
  • Photo Date
    August/September 2022

Photography has always been a therapy for me. It's when I'm happy the most: inside the viewfinder in my own little world. Reflections of my own it's a personal on-going photography project as it helps with my mental health issues. The days I feel depressed and want to stay indoors I use every reflection available to capture myself. When I look at the images afterwards, it reminds me how to be more confident and believe in myself.

Despite being in my DNA, I only discovered my own passion for photography when I moved to England in 2016. I was going through a difficult time and needed something to focus on. Exploring different locations and capturing the beauty around me was a way to manifest my freedom and find my peace. I love film photography and the iconic designs of old cameras. Through my photos, I can truly express myself and show how I envision the world. It's so powerful to be able to stamp my persona into a photograph!