Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 People / Life Style

The Last Rite

  • Photographer
    Giuseppe Potente
  • Photo Date

The Italian director,poet and actor Pier Paolo Pasolini considered football "the last sacred representation of our time". This ritual also inspired the italian director Paolo Sorrentino's recent film, "The Hand of God". In South Africa, the national sport of Afrikaners has always been rugby. But football remains the passion of black people, which is visible while children and young people play on the fields, without any institutional help. The hand of God is, conversely, invisible, just as the object of desire - the ball - is not seen in my images.

GP was born in Italy in 1950. He followed classical studies in Rome, where he graduated in 1974 in MD. Specializing in medical imaging in 1978, then Professor of Medical Imaging, interested simultaneously to photo imaging. Since 2010 he works as a photographer on personal projects, as : “In the Fields”; “Terroirs, in South Africa. He got recognition by Sony WPO, IPA Lucie Foundation, LensCulture, TIFA, The Guardian, Monochrome Awards. He joined in 2019 the Magazine online Camerapixo. His activity has been aimed to publications, so far he has not had relations with art galleries.