Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 People / Children

Shadow Puppets

  • Photographer
    Liao, Wen-Hsuan

Till this time, my daughter was still up and she wanted to play shadow puppets with me. She grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight to start the shadow game. I just took a few shots and this photo caught my eyes. In our ordinary daily life, where these moments hide some simplest happiness with the deepest love.

Wen Hsuan Liao, also known as "Sha". She is a photographer from Taipei, Taiwan. In recent years, Sha has received numerous awards in the professional categories of international photography competitions, including Silver at the IPA, TIFA, BIFA, and APA, as well as Bronze at the BIFA and PX3. As of 2023, she has accumulated over a hundred photography awards. https://ontheway.today/ https://www.instagram.com/ontheway.today/