Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 Architecture / Interiors

Shadows of The Past

  • Photographer
    Aljohara Jeje
  • Agency / Studio
    Aljohara Arts Llc
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D5
  • Photo Date
    2021 - ongoing

An intriguing feature in this region is that palaces after a King passes away, will not be taken by his offspring because the princes (will) build their own and their father’s abode will turn into ruins. While roaming these ruins it was impossible not to be touched by the eerie feeling of déjà vu. With the remaining details, one can imagine the glorious opulence these palaces once harboured. Servants rushing, children running, and the King’s wives walking on layers of the finest carpets from their red quarters to the green Royal Bedchamber, all framed in a treasury of colours and gold...

What is art without a message? As long as I can remember I have been a woman and artist. Enraptured by techniques, I graduated in Product Design (The Netherlands), after, Art-Photography (Belgium), in between propaedeutic in Art History (Amsterdam), and later in life, I took courses in medieval painting techniques (in China and in Portugal). Enjoying Saudi Arabia’s vibrant society so much and convinced that The Kingdom has all the elements to become the next artist's hub on par with Berlin and the like, I choose to live and work in Jeddah.