Honorable Mention TIFA 2022 Fine Art / Landscape

Tuscany Lights

  • Photographer
    Alberto Fornasari
  • Agency / Studio
    Alberto Fornasari Fotografie
  • Technical Info
    1/200s 500asa F8 Nikon D850 Full Frame
  • Photo Date
    November 13, 2021

The landscape of the Val d'Orcia, a Unesco World Heritage Site, was celebrated by the painters of the Sienese School which flourished during the Renaissance period and its images, particularly the depictions of landscapes in which people are portrayed living in harmony with nature. With this image I wanted to describe the fantastic landscape of the Val d'Orcia in Tuscany, taking advantage of the soft light of dawn that enters the autumn fog, putting in the foreground the Belvedere farm and in the background the fortress of Radicofani. San Quirico d'Orcia, Siena Italy November 13, 2021

Alberto Fornasari, professional photographer, was born in Arezzo in 1973. It's really Tuscany with its traditions and its beautiful scenery to inspire and define more closely the poetry of his photographic journey. Since 1994 he has dedicated himself to telling the story of the Val d'Orcia and the Crete Senesi through images in all seasons of the year, taking advantage of the light of dawn. He made his first landscape photographic exhibition in 1997 and in 2000 received his first award in the competition Italian Institute of Landscape Photography.