Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 People / Culture

Sangoma Initiation

  • Photographer
    Frank Trimbos
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D800 - 28mm Nikkkor

Traditional healers are, even in today’s modern times, still highly respected and frequently consulted members of South African communities. Instead of referring to Western, mainstream health and healing practices, they practice traditional African medicine. Despite modern science and innovative technologies in the health and pharmaceutical sector, traditional healing is still the most trusted approach in South Africa. Even today, there are approximately as many as 200 000 indigenous traditional healers in South Africa compared to 25 000 Western-trained doctors.

Frank Trimbos (1978, The Netherlands) is a documentary & portrait photographer in South Africa. After completing the school of Photography in Amsterdam specialized in Documentary photography. Frank began to explore the lines of storytelling, documentary and portrait photography to engage with issues of cultural, social and historical significance. Frank moved from The Netherlands to South Africa where he continued to experience the everyday lifstyles , capturing social issues and exploring marginalized communities.