Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 People / Children


  • Photographer
    Shyamala Thilagaratnam
  • Technical Info
    Nikond810; 1/1000s; F11; Nikkor 28-300mm; Iso800mm
  • Photo Date
    5 February 2018

This image was made during an amazing trip to the Turkana region in north Kenya. During the day we had seen these boys herding their families' livestock - camels, donkeys and goats - to grazing sites and waterholes. As the sun set, we came across the boys again. Their day's work done, they were at play, whooping as they dashed across the dry riverbed - being boys once more after a long day doing 'men's work'.

I'm based in Singapore, a medical doctor by training; photography and my day job at Singapore's Health Promotion Board keep me happy in equal measure. I love travelling - especially to off-the-grid places, where the wifi is weak.