Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 Fine Art / Special Effects

Slow Down

  • Photographer
    Nicole Urbscheit
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D750, Objektiv: 24.0-120.0 Mm F/4.0, 1/40, Blende 11
  • Photo Date

Our society moves between restless rush and the search for deceleration. Time is a crucial factor in our existence. It cannot be controlled, but disappears while we are still thinking about how we can "spend it sensibly". No one knows how much time he has. How do we manage to deal wisely with our time in a hectic society? Time is the most precious, priceless currency of life. A teenage girl is spending her time in nature reading a good book. She escapes everyday life and travels into the world of fantasy, in which she finds distance from her own life and relaxes. The movement blurs out parts

I have been working independently for many years as an art-director in germany and the implementation of creative ideas has always been the centerpiece of my work. I have always loved photography as art, but first i started with drawing. Since 2012 I discovered photography as a second mean to express myself, always on the search for the secret of light and shadows. Often my photographs are not exactly a foto, my creations are somewhere in between paintings and photography. I use my camera to transpose the emotions which develop in my mind, the excitements caused by encountered reality.