Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 Nature / Underwater

Face to Face With The Man In The Grey Suit

  • Photographer
    Sam Cahir
  • Agency / Studio
  • Photo Date

Pushing the boundaries in wildlife photography, particularly shark photography, can be challenging, exhilarating and at times a little dangerous. Getting into a position to photograph this sub adult 3.5 metre white shark he unexpectedly changed direction forcing me to retreat to the safety of the cage, however, followed me in. Leaving me face to face with the 'Man in the Grey Suit'

Sam Cahir is an international award winning underwater photographer specialising in sharks. Based in Melbourne, Australia, Sam’s work has featured on television, newspapers, magazines, calendars, books, scientific papers and numerous websites worldwide. He is a valued part of the Fox Shark Research Foundation team (FSRF) located in South Australia, whose mission is to inspire the appreciation and understanding of great white sharks through research and education.