TIFA 2021 Nature / Underwater

Bubble Lion

  • Prize
    Gold in Nature/Underwater
  • Photographer
    Matthew Bagley
  • Photo Date
    March 21

I’ve watched them move. The way they interact, the way they play, the way they express emotion. Before I came to the moment I already knew what I wanted; silky smoothness of fur, the humanistic expression in their eyes but above all, the bridge between air and water, the trail that connects them to the surface. A small moment in the underwater world where they feel understood and appreciated.

Hi. I’m looking for the perfect balance of light and composition. Those small moments in life where we feel perfectly connected to nature. Whether it be in a single breath dive, the morning light bouncing off the oceans surface or the darkness that comes before the moon. There is so much beauty that it’s hard to look past. Endlessly searching for those moments of natural interactions, I’m drawn to them. Not only to capture but to experience them.