Oyvind Hjelmen

Oyvind Hjelmen

TIFA 2023 Interview with Oyvind Hjelmen
1st Place winner in Book, Professional, “Broken Shadow”

Q: Can you briefly tell us about your background and what inspired you to pursue photography?

I used to work as an industrial photographer, documenting production of oilrigs and such. After a couple of photographic workshops, I realized that I could use photography not just for documentation, but also as a means of expression. And this is what I have done for the past 30 years.

Q: What drove you to submit your work to the TIFA competition and your thoughts on how winning this competition impacted your artistic journey?

I have submitted work for this competition before, with encouraging results. Winning helps getting attention for the work, which is always a good thing.

Q: Could you describe any challenges you faced while capturing this moment (winning image/s)?

As this is a book which has taken 7 years to compile, there are naturally many challenges along the way. I will say the biggest challenge about publishing a book, is the funding. And then managing to make the individual images come together as a whole.

Q: What, in your opinion, are the most important factors in creating great images?

Always being open to what speaks to you. I have stated before, and I believe this to be true: the most important tools for creating good photographs are light, eyes and heart.

Q: What do you find to be the most challenging aspect of photography?

For me it is probably managing to work enough. Expose enough film. That is the only way to find the good images to select the best ones from.

Q: What motivates and drives your photography?

I guess a need to tell a story, about memories and dreams. About hopes and fears.

Q: What’s next for you in your career as a photographer?

My aim is to carry on, and see where it takes me. Taking nothing for granted.