Jatenipat Ketpradit
Jatenipat Ketpradit

Jatenipat Ketpradit

TIFA 2022 Interview with Jatenipat Ketpradit
1st Place winner in People, Professional, “Ethiopia: The Ethnic Earth”

Q: Tell us a little bit about your background. How did you develop a passion for photography?

My name is Jatenipat Ketpradit aka JKBOY (b.1984) I’m a professional photographer. I have been in photography for 10 years. I’ve enjoyed learning about the histories and stories of mankind’s legends.

One day, I traveled to Mongolia and had the opportunity to live with a nomad family. They are vagabond aborigines. I was impressed by their cultures, personalities, an uniforms.

I felt those things are very appealing. I appreciate those things very much. It feels like I saw those pictures appear in my real life. It is more than reading books or watching a documentary.

Q: Could you provide more details about how you captured this award-winning photograph? What was the main idea behind it, and how did you go about constructing it?

The winning photograph named “Horde of the Suri Tribe”. I can say that it is the best one I’ve shot in my lifetime.

The “Suri” tribe is one of the hardest to reach in Ethiopia. They live on a high mountain that is difficult to approach from the outside world. They take immense pleasure in their scars and traditions.

I lived with the Suri tribe for a week to talk and blend into their way of life. Tell them who I am and what I do.

While I took the photograph of the selection of models at the waterfall area of ​​the village, behind the scenes, all the people of the village, such as; children, teenagers, warriors, mothers, elders, everyone were sitting in a circle at my back to watch my shooting.

When I turned around to see I found it to be a very beautiful scene. People lined up in the entire village to see what I was doing. And the sun was setting behind them. I can’t wait to capture that impressive image. And is waiting to convey it to the eyes of the world.

Q: What does it mean to you to get this award?

It’s a great honor to receive this award. I’m appreciate it a lot. I hope my work will be an inspiration to many people to realize to preserve the hidden culture of humanity.

Q: Photography is a great medium for communicating various messages to people. What are your thoughts on this tool and how do you use it?

Yes, I absolutely agree with it. Photography is a great medium for communicating without words because you can feel the emotion or hidden message in the picture. In my case, my photo shows the culture of hidden tribe. The traces on their face indicate people’s experiences. The conditions of their homes indicate their daily lives.

Q: What would you say best describes your photography and your style?

Tribal portrait with environment photo.

Q: What one thing do you wish you had known before you started taking pictures?

How to access to area, how you communicate with their people and when I’m on the field I’ll scout for the good location and the most important is making a good relationship with the people to let them trust me to take their photo.

Q: Could you tell us what photography gear you personally like to use? 

Nikon D850 D810 with Nikor Lens and Flash strobe.

Q: What would you say are some essential tools for new photographers?

Camera Equipment is not the most important, always practice on field. If you work with people, make a lot of communication and be respectful to them and their culture.

Q: Whose work has had the greatest impact on you?

Jimmy Nelson.

Q: What are your future plans? Do you have any exciting projects going on right now that you could tell us about?

I’m going take photos of tribe in Thailand, which is my home. And I wish to work with the hidden tribe around the world too. There are so many hidden charming cultures that the world needs to be explore.

Q: If you had limitless funds for a dream project, what would you do?

I would like to travel and photograph rare and endangered tribes around the world.

So, just fight for it! Now I do all of my work using my personal funds. But I believe there’s many ways to get enough funds to do the dreams.
I have many projects and ideas, I would be grateful for the sponsor who interesting to join with me for the cooperate project.