Gabriele Micalizzi

Gabriele Micalizzi

Interview with Gabriele Micalizzi
TIFA 2020 Winner, 1st Place, People category – “A Painful Necessity”

Born in Milan, precisely in Cascina Gobba, Gabriele was a “clumsy kid” and was passionate about graffiti. He fell in love with photography when his professor took them to develop photos in the darkroom. From there, he knew he would pursue that career in life. 

Q: What did it feel like to witness the doctors and patients during the COVID tests? 

A security and at the same time a responsibility, both to me and to the doctors who had to treat patients from a new, and at that time unknown, disease. 

Q: What is the most dangerous situation you have ever had to work in? 

I normally work in war environments, so there are many dangerous situations. The fear you usually feel in a dangerous situation actually helps you focus more on the goal at hand. 

Q: What is the most difficult feeling to capture in a photo? 

A good photo must be able to excite, being able to translate an emotion in a photo is complicated but it is even more complicated to express emotions to the observer. This is the job of photography.

 Q: A photograph that left a lasting impression on you and why? 

A good photo must be able to excite, instill emotions in the viewer. Photography is genuine for that.

 Q: How do you know when a body of work is finished? 

There are projects that never end. The projects of life. All this depends on the photographer of his sensitivity and especially, what the photographer is looking for in a particular project. 

Q: In an era where the consumption of audiovisual content is massive, what is the future of photography?

Today’s society has a bulimic approach to photography. The dynamics of social networks have been created to use like fast food counties. Today the real richness is to have time to assimilate the contents. I think there will be a reversal very soon, as this pandemic has forced. 

Q: Who is your favorite photographer? 

There are many photographers who with their photos have raised questions in me, to which I still try to answer. Weegee, Mcculling, Capa, Sessini, Witkin, Serrano, Majoli, Ballen.