TIFA 2024 Editorial / Sports

Selfe-defense In Katanga

  • Prize
    Bronze in Editorial/Sports
  • Photographer
    John T. Pedersen
  • Agency / Studio
  • Photo Date

Katanga slum in Kampala, Uganda, grapples with pervasive challenges related to crime and violence. As one of the city's largest slums, Katanga is marked by overcrowded living conditions and extreme poverty. The training facility of the Katanga Boxing and Taekwon-Do Club serves as a space where those interested can learn self-defense. Women, in particular, are active in the club, aiming to acquire self-defense skills to resist the violence and threats they often face in the slum. Given their vulnerability, self-defense can empower women and potentially save them from threats.

John T. Pedersen (1966) is an independent photojournalist based in Norway, with a particular focus on humanitarian issues. I have worked for a number of newspapers, trade press, magazines and agencies. Affiliated with the national newspaper Dagbladet in Oslo. https://www.worldpressphoto.org/collection/photo/2019/37713/1/John-T-Pedersen