TIFA 2023 Fine Art / Collage

My roots

  • Prize
    Bronze in Fine Art/Collage
  • Photographer
    Asia Tsyhankova
  • Technical Info
    Collage Using Archival Photos And Self-portraits.
  • Photo Date

What did we inherit from our parents? What will we pass on to our children? Probably physical features like eye color and face shape. And maybe even character traits, such as sensitivity or a thirst for adventure. And also memories, photos and memorabilia. I used my images and archival family photos of my grandparents and mother. I supplemented the portraits with things that I got from them as an inheritance or a gift.

I was born and live in Kyiv, Ukraine. I received a master's degree in finance from the Kyiv National University of Economics. Always having an interest and passion for photography and visual arts, I studied at the Kyiv School of Photography and the Chekachkov Photo Academy. In my work, I explore non-obvious phenomena, connections and aesthetics. I admire the diversity of life, both in nature and in society.