Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 Fine Art / Collage

The Wheel of Time

  • Photographer
    Peter Hammer
  • Technical Info
    Montages Created Using Affinity Photo And Using A Variety Of Images.
  • Photo Date

From the beginning of creation in the big bang the wheel of time turns inexorably forward and never backward creating in its process the universe we see today with its galaxies and our own planet. Time is ambiguous, a time in the world where we are is a different time elsewhere in the world. Time affects every aspect of our lives from hanging by a thread, getting lost in a forest or waiting for rain to stop. Time also flies past while we are occupied. We can look back through the mists of time to see what the world looked like in the past. All photographic elements use only my photos.

I live in Melbourne, the capital city of the state of Victoria in Australia - the land down under. I used to work in IT and electronic engineering but I now play around fulltime with photography and travel. My main areas of interest are in landscapes, cityscapes, seascapes and street photography. I occasionally dabble in other areas when the opportunity arises. My other interest is in creative or fine art photography.