Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 Fine Art / Portrait

The Mask

  • Photographer
    Rosy Carletti
  • Technical Info
    250 Clear 54 / 5.000 Risultati Della Traduzione Risultato Di Traduzione Nikon D7200 Fixed 35mm Le
  • Photo Date
    may 2023

We often hide behind masks, we think we live better, it's not like that.

Live in Verona Italy Photography feeds on passions, emotions and feelings that I try to convey in images. When I take a photo I don’t just see a face, eyes, an object or a landscape but I enter a present or past reality, in palpable and some kind of dream or in some deep memories. I am curious and creative and I look for beauty in all its forms, even following unspecified rules. Photography for me is a palette of feelings, shades of light, shadows and colors, emotions that lead to infinite variables of interpretation.